
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ready, Set, Go!

Before setting your foot on the track here are some things you should do first:

1.   Keep a planner – proper scheduling and planning is important for you to stick with running. It should be regularly done to build up resistance.
2.   Consult your doctor – you might want to get some clearance from your doctor first before starting to exercise specially for those who have a family history of having hypertension, high cholesterol and previous injuries.
3.   Buy your first running shoes – don’t just use any kind of rubber shoes you have on your shoe rack since it don’t have enough cushioning to handle running’s impact. Buying proper running shoes will help you prevent getting injured.

How to start right for you to have a positive experience:
  1. Walk first – If this will be your first time doing a cardiovascular exercise, do three 30-minute walks a week for two to three weeks.
  2. Run/Walk – interspersing walk breaks lets you catch your breath and lessen the impact on your joints and muscles. 
  3. Run by the time – Runners love miles. For beginners you don’t have to worry about it yet. Running by time is easier. Building resistance should be your main priority for you to eventually run by miles.
  4. Be consistent – Start by running three days a week. Doing it regularly will get you into your running shape.
  5. Build up – slowly, consistently, in your own time. Rush the process and you could end up sore, frustrated, or injured. Just slowly increase your running time 20 percent a week.
  6. Turning point – By this time you will notice you’re not as out of breath as before. You will likely to feeling running’s rewards – more energy, stronger body and a sense of accomplishment.
  7. Endurance vs. Speed – You need to be able to cover a distance before you can cover it fast. Build 30 minutes of continues running before you work on your speed.
  8. No pain, No gain – normal soreness should just last a day or two prior to workout but if the pain is like a sharp shooting sensation ice the area and take some extra rest until the pain subsides. IF the problem persists beyond a week, see a doctor.
Ref.: Runner’s World June 2010 issue


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